Mount up and roll along with the group exploring many trails throughout Cape Cod. The rides are rated from beginner to difficult. Join the fun and get some exercise!

Book Club - Men's
The men's book club generally meets once a month. It's a small group of men who enjoy reading books of many flavors, but also seek the opportunity to review and exchange thoughts that relate to the books content and author’s intent.

Book Club - Women's
The women's book club generally meets once a month. Book groups are generally composed of five to ten members and group meeting times. Places and book choices are flexible and are decided by the members of the individual groups. Most groups meet monthly to discuss their current book title and share their impressions of the story and the writing.
Candle Pin Bowling is on Tuesday evenings at the Orleans Bowling Center on Route 6A in Orleans. Group chooses dinner options after bowling.
Cooking - Men's
We meet once-a-month. We have six groups of men gathering once per month to enjoy an evening meal at a rotating host home to participate in camaraderie, good food and friendly discussion. Men's cooking is not intended to be a gourmet or wine tasting group. The host cooks the entrée and remaining members prepare other parts of the meal.
Cooking - Women's
We meet once-a-month. If you love gathering with friends over a great meal, but don’t want to do all the work yourself, then this is the group for you!

The Cornhole activity is held on Monday afternoons. Cornhole toss is similar to horseshoes except with beanbags. We play on a weekly basis outdoors at Brooks Park, and indoors at the Harwich Community Center in winter.

Cross-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing
If there is snow on the ground, the Activity Leader decides where to ski and sends an e-mail to everyone who has signed up for this activity, notifying them of the time and place of skiing.

Fiber Arts
Fiber Arts includes, but is not limited to, Knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting, twining, weaving, cross stitching, embroidering, rug hooking, locker hooking, crewel, tablet weaving, lace making, and appliqué.
All experience levels are welcome, and participants must provide their own materials.

Game Night
Small groups of participants (singles or couples) play a variety of board and card games at the Harwich Community Center. Refreshments are served and it is a good opportunity to meet new friends and be social. Some of the games include (but not limited to) Rummikub, Mexican train dominoes, Blokus, Sequence, Scrabble, Phase 10, Taboo, Cribbage, Telestrations, and Scattergories.

Golf - Men
Members play (weather permitting) on Tuesday at Seaside Links in Chatham at 9:30 a.m., although the play time is changed in summer as the crowds increase.

Golf - Women
The Women's Golf Group plays (weather permitting) on Wednesdays from April through October at the Seaside Links in Chatham. Skill levels vary and everyone should be familiar with general golf etiquette.

These hikes happen at various times and locations. They are announced via email. Mark McGrath, a Newcomer himself and an experienced hiker with extensive knowledge of the Cape, challenges our mind and senses. It might be at dawn, in the rain, or in the moonlight. Stay tuned.

Morning Glories
Meeting new people, developing friendships, sharing with one another, gaining insights, being silly and having fun all while being at breakfast!!! What more can one ask. Join our Morning Glories women’s breakfast club for lively discussions and fellowship. Once a month a limited number (based on space) of women will meet at a determined location.
Each month from September to June, we will explore various Cape theaters....morning, noon or night. Join us for premieres, documentaries, old films, locally filmed and special screening events. Optional dining will be offered.
Newcomers Helping Neighbors
This is a group that provides simple services to older adults, helping them stay active while continuing to live in their homes. We provide friendly visits, rides to medical appointments or shopping, tech help and simple handyman tasks. Participation is easy and flexible - help when it fits your schedule. There is no commitment to a specific time or date to provide service. Volunteers may provide services, as often or as infrequently as they like. On the high side, some are busy every week, while others participate less than once a month.
Newcomers Helping Neighbors works in collaboration with Nauset Neighbors, a well-established organization that does a great job linking members to older adults needing a helping hand. Requests for help are described on a website with dates and times. Based on your own abilities, interests and schedule, you can select opportunities to provide a service to an older adult.
After joining the group, you'll go through a background check and orientation with Nauset Neighbors. Then you'll be able to log in to their website, see the requests and select what you're interested in doing.

Sociable Solos
The Sociable Solos group provides the opportunity for members to meet and connect with other solo/individual members, who prefer to attend these CHNC activities on their own. Marital status is not relevant.
Winter Cape Hikes
The main focus of winter hiking is for exercise in the cold months with adventures leading to dynamic views and remote areas.
Most hikes will be for 1-1/2 hours.
Women's Gourmet
We are a group of women who savor good food, friendship and fun. Join us as we explore a variety of culinary and other adventures in a casual atmosphere (without the work of cooking)!
The group is open to men and women who are members of Newcomers and who have an interest in working on wood projects. The members meet in the Fall and agree upon the next project to be undertaken, which can be either for a civic organization, or for an individual. Generally, the project chosen is one which cannot easily be bought. All skill levels welcome.